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4 Easy Tips for a Healthy Life at Home

Today, lifestyles are more stressful than a decade ago. Most of us lead busy lives and eat on the go, which sometimes means that we miss out on healthier choices for dinner in exchange for convenience. Here are a few ideas that we put into motion in the Hunnicutt households to live a healthier life.

Exercise with Family & Friends

family shooting hoops
Any simple exercise that you enjoy will get the oxygen flowing!

Exercise helps release stress and strengthens our bodies. A full gym in our home isn’t necessary to feel the benefits of a good workout. A brisk 20-minute walk, three times a week is a great start! Some families choose to play outdoor games together, or use an online fitness program. The key is to just get moving!

Mental Detox Necessary for Healthy Life

boys fishing
Time for fishing with the boys, one of their favorite things!

It is important to keep up with current events, but sometimes we need to just turn off the media and negative narratives. Make time for that book you’re wanting to read, watch an old show that makes you laugh, or enjoy a quiet afternoon fishing.

Eating, Better Choices for Healthy Life

man eating healthy salad
Adding one healthy choice at meal time will help.

Cooking from home allows us to make better choices about what we feed our family and how it’s prepared. Limiting sugar (and carbs), and processed foods Gives are immune system an advantage. Using more fresh fruits and vegetables in our diet gives us lasting energy and helps us feel better. Even when we eat out, we can make better choices to get more fruits and veggies... limiting fried or red meat.

Time with Family and Friends

Grandchildren smiling
Time with the Grands puts a smile on all our faces!

Final Thoughts

Have a Family Night, sharing old memories that make you laugh or feel happy will boost your mood. FaceTime with someone special that is too far away to get together. Invite a close, trusted friend over for lunch, share issues that are troubling you or causing stress. Sometimes just sharing with someone that you love and trust will make you feel better.

Whether you already do each of these or just starting out with one, a healthy life starts with daily routines. Here’s to our future, and a healthier us!



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